Think about how long it would take you to walk from Argentina to Alaska. According to Google maps it would take around 90 days walking 24 h/day. Thrushes are long-distance migrants, that means that every spring and every fall they migrate Read More
Meet the Black Swans!
If you have recently visited our W.K. Kellogg Bird Sanctuary, you may have noticed some new residents near the lake. You may have first noticed a flurry of high-pitched peeping as you walked the path up to our Diver Pond. Maybe you heard a Read More
Vagrant Birds: What’s That?
Have you ever seen a group of people with binoculars looking very excited and trying to find something? It is possible they are looking for a vagrant bird. But what is a vagrant bird? A vagrant bird is a species that is currently outside Read More
Welcome to our interns!
It is very exciting to introduce you to the 2021 summer interns here at the Kellogg Bird Sanctuary! Make sure to say hello if you see them on grounds or helping out in the Resource Center! Ashlynn Toles is the Avian Care Intern Read More
Trumpeter Swans of the Midwest
Imagine you find yourself outdoors one autumn, somewhere in the Midwestern U.S. The brisk fall wind greets your face as you trek through the painted woods. Oak leaves are a hanging onto branches overhead, fighting to find their final Read More
A Wintry Sanctuary Update
Winter is a time to reset and plan for the new year. With all the unknowns in this ever-changing time, the sanctuary is focusing on keeping the grounds open and safe for visitors and providing online educational programs. We Read More
A summer of native plants and social distancing
Like many other people, I had to make some changes to my summer plans this year in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. When I applied for Kellogg Bird Sanctuary’s Native Garden Fellowship, the description included working in the garden with Read More
Learning from your elders: long-term research at KBS provides insights in turtle populations
You wouldn’t think of turtles as particularly likely to succeed in the game of life – unlike many common species (think bugs and mice), they grow slowly and take a long time to mature and reproduce—up to 20 years for some species. What Read More
Be a scientist from your own home!
Happy citizen science month! In the midst of the stay-at-home order, one of the things that can help during these times with our children is to get out into nature. With spring in full swing, diving into a citizen science project is a Read More
Interpretation: A Limitless Power
When I arrived at the bird sanctuary, most of my motivation was selfish. I wanted to be here because this was what I figured my next step should be. I hadn’t stopped to consider who I was in my position and what that meant to the Read More
A legacy of conservation; a commitment to sustainability.
Kellogg Bird Sanctuary12685 East C Avenue
Augusta, MI 49012
Phone: (269) 671-2510