The Kellogg Bird Sanctuary is getting excited to start seeing those bright, yellow buses pulling in with students of all ages eager to learn. We are offering three new field experiences for groups this year. Aquatic Read More
Amazing Animal Moms
Mother’s Day, which takes place on May 12 this year, is a great time to celebrate and honor the women who have made an impact in our lives. People around the world celebrate motherhood in different ways – and we’re not the only species with Read More
Spring into action for Earth Day
Have you noticed a change in the air? Here in Michigan, days are getting longer, the weather is getting warmer, and spring is officially here. Maybe you’re feeling more motivated to do some spring cleaning or enjoy the outdoors. (I know I Read More
Citizen science at the Sanctuary
An underappreciated dimension of scientific research is collecting data. For ecologists interested in measuring biodiversity, a perennial issue is that counting plants and animals as they move, hide, and change is extremely difficult, Read More
Zorzales ¿qué sabes sobre ellos?
Imagina cuánto tiempo tardarías en caminar desde Argentina a Alaska. Según Google maps serían unos 90 días sin parar, caminando 24 horas por día. Los zorzales migran largas distancias, eso significa que cada primavera y cada otoño, estas Read More
Thrushes, what do you know about them?
Think about how long it would take you to walk from Argentina to Alaska. According to Google maps it would take around 90 days walking 24 h/day. Thrushes are long-distance migrants, that means that every spring and every fall they migrate Read More
Vagrant Birds: What’s That?
Have you ever seen a group of people with binoculars looking very excited and trying to find something? It is possible they are looking for a vagrant bird. But what is a vagrant bird? A vagrant bird is a species that is currently outside Read More
Beginnings and endings: A reflection on interning at Kellogg Bird Sanctuary
As spring ended and summer began to show I became more nervous, and excited, about my new potential experiences as a Kellogg Biological Station intern at the Kellogg Bird Sanctuary. I was grateful to have this internship and create positive Read More
Nest Box Basics
Spring is in the air and cavity nesting birds are looking for a rent free location from March through August to raise a feathered family. Are you interested in becoming a successful tiny house landlord? If so, there are a few Read More
Bus scholarships now available for school groups
The Kellogg Biological Station (KBS) has a long-standing program, K-12 Partnership, where teachers receive professional development to improve science education skills. Teachers work alongside MSU scientists and researcher to learn about Read More
A legacy of conservation; a commitment to sustainability.
Kellogg Bird Sanctuary12685 East C Avenue
Augusta, MI 49012
Phone: (269) 671-2510